April 30, 2011

Day 30

"Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss"

Now this may or may not count, but I consider animals [pets] to be like people. I talk to them, I ask them questions - knowing that I won't get an answer. I love them.

I really miss Bonnie.

Not a week goes by that I don't mention her. Even now, almost 2 years after she's died. I got really attached to her.

When we get our own house, I'm very hopeful to get another cocker spaniel pup.... maybe a boy, I would name him Clyde. LOL. Maybe we'll get 2 pups ... a boy and a girl, "Bonnie [the 2nd,haha] and Clyde. 

I really liked how she was, her temperment. She was cuddly, active and playful.


Anonymous said...

So sorry! I love cocker spaniels, too!

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

Aw what a sweet dog!