April 19, 2011

Day 18 & 19

I hate getting behind. I was actually busy at work all day yesterday, a first! And then after work I went grocery shopping, cleaned up the apartment a little bit, ate a quick dinner and got to baking!

I baked some oatmeal crasin cookies and also some chocolate chip cookies to have after my husbands senior recital tonight! It's one of the last big things he has to do to fulfill his degree requirements. I can't just buy the cookies, it's against my morals and everything I hold true! lol. Sorry for the over dramatic-ness.

Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity

I often doubt that I am incapable of .. anything.

Sometimes I think I'm not good enough in general, not matter what I'm doing. That I am incompetent and not smart enough. That I'm not pretty enough. My biggest competition is myself and I'm still learning to let up on myself and not come down so hard.

Day 19 - A picture and a letter

I'm going to cheat a little bit here, and steal this idea from my friend John who's doing the photo challenge on Facebook.

It's a photo and a letter. "J" for JESSICA :-)


Anonymous said...

LOL you make me giggle! Did you catch me "cheating" when I accidentally posted day 23 yesterday? Ha! If it makes you feel better, I am a SAHM and I type as fast as I can during naptime to get these posted because I have no free time otherwise. :p

I also don't "buy" cookies. I am also my own worst enemy. Sometimes though, we just gotta jump and take a chance! I love your "picture and a letter" - so cute!

Jessica Hilton said...

Yes I noticed the early Day 23 post! I litterally lol'd and went "oopps!" hahaha. It's ok, I just may have to "cheat" a day or two.

I'm really liking this blog/photo challenge!!

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

oh yum! I am jealous of all those cookies!