April 25, 2011

Day 22 - Day 24

Whoa! We are up to Day 25 already?! Wow!

My Aunt and younger cousin were in a really bad car accident this past Thursday evening, and I only found out about it Friday afternoon.

My Aunt is doing much better - completely conscious and fully aware. Thank God!

So let me catch up ...

"Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at"

Yes or Yes?? LOL. No but seriously, I have some of the worst time management skills. It starts at the beginning of the day when I'm waking up, I'll "guesstimate" how long it will take me to get ready, get my lunch - when/if I take lunch. And when that doesn't go as planned it kinda throws me off later at some point during my day. This is definitely something I need to get better at doing.

"Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book"

I don't read as much as I used to, but this is one has stuck out in my memory since I've read it.

It's a sad story, but it's written so well. When the movie came out I was indecisive whether to watch it or not - I was scared that the movie would suck and kind of ruin the story. I ended up renting it .. and I didn't think it was too bad, it stuck very close to the actual story so I was happy about that.

"Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change"

I don't want to get to serious on this one ...
But something I wish I could change - my luck with car problems!

My older sister asked me "What did you do to piss off the car gods?!"

Funny, huh?

Within the past month, we've had to deal with our car repeatedly overheating, so bad to the point where it blew a gasket and a head on the engine needed to be resurfaced. We were lucky we didn't have to replace the entire engine ... again. Then our van started to overheat, but my dad was able to repair it. Shortly after that though, while the car was in the shop getting that head resurfaced, Danny came to pick me up from work one day and while we were leaving the port a rock hit our side window. Just like that.

When it rains, it pours! It was not a fun month :-( And as my sister Tina said, "Poor me."

Maybe my brother in law, Casey, is right ... we should just pick up and move to San Antonio ... it'll change our luck he said.


Anonymous said...

Oh honey! So sorry about your aunt. I'll be praying for her! We used to live in Amarillo, but don't think I know your aunt. The Lovely Bones was a good movie (didn't read the book!), but it was so creepy! So sorry about your cars too! Hopefully things will improve. :)

jessica said...

Sorry about your aunt and cousin, I hope they're doing much better!

And The Lovely Bones is my favorite book too! Crazy!