April 2, 2010

5 Question Friday!

 Again, inspired by a couple of blogs I follow.



1. Do you sing out loud in the car when you're driving?

Yes. Definitely when I'm alone. It helps keep me calm when I'm driving to work in the AM and I'm late ... but I try not to make it that obvious while I'm flying through traffic. I do sing a bit with my little sis, we've got great songs on the iPod! And I really tend to belt it out when I'm driving all by my lonesome. At night. That way nobody can see me! Unless I'm at a stoplight then you know I mellow down, until I pass the lights.

2. What would you never be caught doing?

Adjusting my pantelones in public. You know when it's just one of those days ... Yeah I try to make a quick run to the bathroom if need be.

3. Will you go #2 in a public restroom?

Yep, and I'm not ashamed. I never understood this with other people though. Boys more so. I have a handfull of people I know that refuse to go in a public restroom. I say, when you gotta go you gotta go! Although, if the potty's are really icky then I wait a bit until I find another [clean] restroom.

And what's with the people who clog the toilets with pee and toilet paper? I mean really? What's hard about holding the flush until it goes? ... sorry for going off track there for a bit.

4. Have you ever broken a bone?

Nope! I never played sports so my chances were pretty low to begin with. And even that time that I got my arms stuck in my grandma's old washing machine . . . [another blog, soon to come]

I hope I never break a bone. I'm a big weenie when it comes to pain. lol.

5. Do you prefer cooking or baking?
Oooohhh a tough question! I don't know. I started out baking, so I'll probably always go back to that.
I personally believe there is an art to pie making. Lol. Cakes. MMMmmmm. Cookies. MMMmmmm. Pies. MMMmmmm. I used to bake right before exams [when I probably should've been studying . . .] and it would just calm me and take my mind off things.
I recently [as in the past year or so] started to get into cooking. It was kinda forced upon, but hey it's allowed me to expand my "Go to" recipes. And I'm not so advanced that I don't follow a recipe. There are only so many things that I can do without a recipe. I'm a perfectionist. At least I try to be, so I like to be sure not to leave anything out.
So to answer the question . . . I'll have to say baking!
This was fun! Can't wait to see what next weeks questions are :-)


The Confused said...

I agree, No. 5 is a tough questions. Especially for JU!!! LOL :D

j said...

not adjusting the pantalones in public, that's very lady like a could only think of something outrageous, go figure. by the way singing during the morning commute does help to get me ready for the day.