April 9, 2010

5 Question Friday!

I want to try my best to keep up with these! Sick or not! lol. *cough, cough*

1. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?

Oohh this is a tough question. I'd pick someone like Hilary Swank, that's off the top of my head. But taking note of recent comments, I'd pick Zhi Zhang - the actress from Memoirs of a Geisha.

2. Did you ever go to summer camp?

I never went to a summer camp. Now I say that I would've love to have gone but when I think about it - I probably wouldn't have gone. I would've probably chickened out at the last minute. I don't like to go anywhere by myself. I like to go knowing at least one person.

3. What sends you running and screaming in the other direction?

Probably something really scary, like a bear, or a shark. Probably even a jellyfish would do it! lol. Those things hurt when they sting! I'm a big whimp. lol. A bee. Some really icky bug. See big whimp.

4. What is something you do that drives your spouse nuts?

Well seeing as we're not quite married yet, but we've been together long enough (6 going on 7 years this June) he would probably say it's when I text him "What're you doing?" - several times throughout the day. I tend to ask at different intervals when I'm at work. Although it doesn't make me feel better when he says he's watching a movie or doing something else way more interesting than whatever I'm working on at the office.

5. What is currently your favorite song?

Lately I've really liked Kelly Clarkson's new song "All I Ever Wanted". I also still really like Lady Antebellum's song "Need You Now". Anything by Michael Jackson and I'm happy.

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