April 23, 2010

Wedding Day Errands!

So as I previously mentioned from the last post, I was tired! We had to wake up early the morning of because we still had a few errands to run.

1. Go to Wal-Mart.
Danny and I still needed a few things for that night, and he needed black socks! I know! Leave it till the day of the wedding to get black socks! lol. The car also needed gas to get us through our errands and commute.

2. Go pick up [sweetheart table] centerpiece for the ballroom from the florist!
Our table would've been pretty much bare, but a couple of weeks ago I asked the florist if she could come up with something and look at what she whipped up for us!

I loved it!

Poor Audrey had to hold onto it from McAllen all the way to Weslaco! [About a 20 minute drive!] She's awesome!

3. Get breakfast!
At this point we were still practicing our healthy eating habits, and Audrey suggested a fruit cup from this place I we frequent quite often. Only we get there and they're still closed because they don't open till 11! So we start driving home and see Sonic's flashing sigh for their CroisSONIC Breakfast Sandwich.

We were really hungry.

We gave in. And I must say, it was pretty delicious - I was quite disappointed that I wasn't able to eat the whole thing! I only managed to eat half. Remember healthy eating habits!? They suck!

4. Head to the salon to get all dolled up!
Our appointments were scheduled to start at 11:30. That's pretty much the time we got there. I went in a few minutes after, no later than 11:40. But I noticed Audrey didnt' go in until around 12! I started to get worried that we'd run late . . . but still at that point didn't panic. I was calm. Weird huh? lol.

Before we knew it we were ready to go! And well before 2pm [which is the time we asked my chaffeur dad to pick us up].


Then we were off to get dressed at Joana's house and get picked up there by the limo!

To be continued in another post!

1 comment:

Rachel and John said...

Sounds like a crazy day! I don't know how you stayed so calm! On my wedding day I was up at 6am and we were already getting ready by then!