March 16, 2010

Random Tuesday

So this hardly ever happens to me. For awhile now, I've come home with several ideas for blog topics . . . but for the past couple of days I got nothing! All that has consumed my head is how fast my wedding is coming up! I'm so excited that it's all I can think about! I've seen similar things in past posts in blogs I've read so I thought I'd might give it a try.

10 [Random Facts] About Me:

1. When I find a new blog to read I go back and read all the past posts from the author - from the very first post.

2. No matter how many dogs I may own, I will always want to bring another one home.

3. I hate to exercise. Mostly because I can't wrap my mind around it because until recently I never really had to work out before. And the only exercise I do like is running outside playing with the dogs or at the rec center playing Raquetball.

4. I adopted my now only dog, Bella, as a solution to a problem I was having with my old dog Bonnie. As much as I miss Bonnie, I can't imagine my life without Bella. She's got the oddest personality, and she's so innocent you can't help but like her.

5. I like the idea of dresses and cute strappy sandals, but I can never committ to actually styling myself or actually going out and buying.

6. I would die without my iPhone. I love it. I live it. I'd be lost without it.

7. I am a germaphob. A big germaphob. Seriously.

8. I like picking at things. I really like to pick off fleas from the dogs. My sisters dog Pudge has really come to enjoy it.

9. I picked up at Rockband pretty quick. Drums specifically I guess. No one ever likes to play the drums. It's not that bad! lol.

10. I love the idea of super short hair, I willl never, ever cut it that short. My hair is way to thick and it gets way to damn hot down here to wear it down all the time.

There are probably a whole lot more things I could've written, but those were the first that came to my mind. I even had to research a bit. lol.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

1. i love going back to the very first post! i think it is the best way to get to know the blogger :)

10. i love the idea of really short hair (i.e. katie holmes) but i could never do it. my hair is too crazy for that!