January 26, 2010

Julie & Julia: INSPIRED!

First and foremost: I loved Julie & Julia. I saw it in the theatre the weekend it opened with my little sister. Right after I was so inspired. So inspired in fact we went to Barnes & Noble and I bought the cookbook.

I have had this book for months! Months. And I had not used it once until, well yesterday! I felt guilty for buying it and leaving it to sit in the cabinet for months. A cookbook is bought to be used! And a lot of the recipes that I wanted to try had a long cooktime. That's not feasible for one of our weekly dinners. We like to eat early and usually tend to cook something that can be done [prepped and cooked] in about an hour or less. So it just wasnt' going to work unless I used it for a weekend dinner. I finally got the courage to pick something, again inspired from just seeing the movie for the 5th or 8th time the night before. I wanted to make the chicken breasts in the mushroom and cream sauce. So we went out to buy the ingredients and well I came home and made it. This meal could easily be done during the week mind you. The only time consuming part there was was cleaning off the mushrooms with a damp towel - we bought the presliced mushrooms, so you can imagine me standing by the counter cleaning off each slice one by one.

So really all you do is semi-cook the chicken breast seperately. Then remove them and then saute the mushroom with some shallots [I used half an onion] and then add the chicken back in to the mushroom/onion mixture before the mushrooms/onions get too brown. When the chicken is cooked through remove them, mix in some chicken stock and white vermouth - cook the alocohol down and then add the cream. Bring that to a boil and then serve it immediately. We had some roasted potatoes and sauteed string beans as sides.


It was delicious! The chicken was so moist, and not because of the mushroom cream sauce. It was truly delicious! I don't think I'd change a thing about the recipe, except probably just use different sides next time to change it up.

Hopefully sometime in the next few weeks I can try to make the boeuf bourguignon. Cross your fingers for me!

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