January 24, 2010

The Special K Challenge!

Ok so I know I previously mentioned, at least I think I did, about wanted to eat healthier - that was more directed towards a cooking aspect. But seeing as I've been sick for the past week and a half, cooking, well it just hasnt' happened. Bad potatoe salad this past Sunday doesn't count either!

Well dieting, I haven't really ever dieted. But this time I'm taking it a bit more serious and along with my little sister, we have begun the Special K Challenge! I thought it was gonna be harder than what it's been, but to my surprise I've been doing ok!

We went to HEB sometime last week and stocked up:

FYI: not all of our stock is pictured ;)

When we were at the checkout, Audrey said "I didn't like the way our cashier looked at us. It was like he was judging us." LOL. Nevertheless, we are on a mission! 6 lbs in 2 weeks! Wish us luck!

According to the website, for breakfast you're supposed to have some cereal with low fat/skim milk and some fruit, or some of their waffles, or you could have a protein shake or one of their meal bars. Then I usually have a mid-morning snack around 10 - and you're supposed to eat one of their suggested snacks: a snack bar, some of their crackers or snack fruit crisps, or just some fruit. Then you also use one of their meal supplements for lunch, and I gotta say that meal bar is quite filling! Then I have a mid-afternoon snack around 3. And then have a normal dinner, just a small portion - usually. lol. Like I said so far so good, and I am more than sure I can speed up the results if I were to actually exercise!

I will try my best and get past whatever feelings I have and start sometime this week. That's my goal. Just to start at some point this week. If not, I will find some way to punish myself. It'll probably be not to buy something I really want. But well, I'll let you know how that goes.

Gas update: Danny called in saying gas in Edinburg was at $2.46

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