January 9, 2010

My Mornings

I am not, for the life of me – a morning person! I have always had problems waking up early and getting ready to go wherever it is I needed to go. And now, all I have is work. Work, work, work … everyday! 8-5. Even getting to sleep at a decent hour is proving to be a challenge. When I get home from work I feel like I don’t have enough down time to bum around and relax. So we have dinner, then a movie, or TV and then more TV because I just feel like I can’t get enough. And the worst part is I’m supposed to be doing the P90X weight loss thing to prepare for the wedding. I was supposed to start January 1. Well originally December 21. Guess where I am??? Guess! – I have yet to start! How horrible am I? I’m not fat, and on the contrary from what my friends and loved ones have told me I look normal now. I just want to be fit and look and feel comfortable in my own clothes. And of course I want to fit into my beautiful wedding dress!

So anyhow, I start my mornings – not with coffee, but with a nice [or 2-4 nice cups] of Chai Tea lattés. Mostly for the caffeine. Chai is a black tea, and I’m not even sure if it has any caffeine whatsoever! But it’s warm, and it keeps me awake, so it works.

I heat up a cup of water in the microwave, it’s all I have to work with – don’t judge me! And then I steep a bag of my chai tea for about 5 minutes or so. Then I remove the bag and add 2 packets of pure sugar, some milk, and top if off with cinnamon.

The whole purpose of this is to try and recreate a truly blissful cup that I once had at this place my mom used to work at where they sold these. Only this particular mixture was already prepared and all you needed to do was add it to hot water or milk, like Nestle Nesquick chocolate milk. I am so close I can taste it! I think I am missing a drop or two of some vanilla syrup. I think. And I keep forgetting to buy a small bottle when I go to HEB or even Starbucks. Shame on me!

I think now though I'm going to just research recipes and compare others against mine. Hope I find what I'm looking for soon! But in the meantime, this works just fine for me!

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