January 25, 2010

24: A family addiction!

This is is blamed on the fiancée! Sorry Danny! lol. It's his fault. And you know, he probably had the best intentions. I mean we were having a pretty crappy year already, and then he brought his season 1 set one weekend - we easily watched 6 episodes!

The suspense! The action! KIEFER! lol.

We could not stop after the first season. We had to know what was going to happen next. So one trip to the mall, we stopped at Suncoast to see what they had in their inventory. They had seasons 1-7 in stock; new and used! We tried it out buying the second season used, and as soon as we got in the car Danny opened up the package  to inspect the discs and what do you know!? They were spotless! No smudges, no scratches! They were perfect! I was so happy and we couldn't wait to go home and show Audrey and my dad! And that's pretty much how the rest of the seasons went. I think the only seasons we bought that were brand spanking new were seasons 4, 5, and 7.

Sometimes my dad would make a face when I'd bring a season home, but I never heard him complaining when we were watching them! We get the occasional "Chingow Danny!" for getting us hooked on 24.

Our weekdays now revolve around 24 and the new season. We are used to seeing at least 2 episodes a day! I don't know how we are going to make it through this season taking in only 1 episode a week!

Right now, Audrey and I are here sitting on the couch waiting. We already ate dinner. Now we wait for 24. Only 1 more hour to go! Crazy huh?

1 comment:

Audrey C said...

"Say my name Say my name, when no one is around you, say baby i love you..."
