February 12, 2010

What Grinds My Gears . . .

Ok so I work 8-5. Everyday. EVERYDAY! All day. Wah right? What a sob story huh?

Lol. Don't feel bad for me, I'm ok. I've got a job and I'm content.

The part that gets to me is the damn radio! I don't have a stereo to plug my iPod into - I have a regular, old alarm clock. Hey I know, it's better than nothing. And yes I wasn't living under a rock last year and I know what big hits Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga have become. But is it really necessary to play one of their songs every hour?? And I'm talking about both artists, so when I say one of their songs I mean each one of theirs. Today they played Taylor Swift 6 times, and then Lady Gaga 5 times between 8:00AM - 12:00PM/1:00PM - 5:00PM. And yes I'm including Lady Gaga's Bad Romance they played at 5:00PM. At one point they played a Taylor Swift song, 15 [I'm pretty sure] and then immediately followed with Lady Gaga's Bad Romance.

Lucky for me though today they didnt' just play Lady Gaga's Bad Romance all day - they actually threw in Paparazzi once and then Just Dance after lunch.

I've been keeping count all week. Repetitive songs really get to me, just because I have to listen all day and I notice.

So that's today's "What grinds my gears" - stay tuned!

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