June 6, 2011

Scars - Pt 1

I think that the whole unable to comment on blogs thing has left me kind of frustrated :-/
I've had almost absolutely no motivation to blog because of it. I get really annoyed :(

But I digress..

:D I will just email comments on posts that blogger won't allow me to post!

Recently a friend of mine was talking about a scar on his belly - I didn't get all the gory details, just that he had had surgery ... and then I began to tell him about a scar I had on my inner left arm.

Does anyone remember this generation of washing machines? :
Or maybe something similar??

My grandma has one similar, not exact - her's plugged into a electric outlet.

So many, many years ago when I was about 6ish I saw this fascinating thing in my grandma's storage. It was running and the rollers were turning. I must've had an "Oooh shiny" moment, because I just stood there in utter amazement! Next thing I know, I'm freaking touching the stupid rollers and before I know it my hand begins to go in between the rollers. I tried pulling back to get my hand free.

That didnt' work.

So then I tried to pull my left hand out with my right. That didn't work either, the right hand just became stuck right along with the left :(

The whole time I was screaming my little lungs out, only to find out later my parents heard the screaming and only thought that I was fighting with my little sister as we would frequently.

They heard enough screaming and finally came outside, which at this point I was past my elbows in. They panicked a bit, until they finally tried to calmy figure out how to get my arms out.

A couple hours later and a trip to the hospital, I got all bandaged up and sent home.

I didn't break any bones, I just tore up my skin pretty bad.

Here is my arm today:

And here's where I got that picture of the old machine from above:

 My loving older sister sent it to me. lol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I can"t believe that happened to you...and also that your grandma has a washing machine like that that still works!

Blogger has been so wonky lately. People have commented to me that they haven't been able to comment or that my blog isn't showing up in their dashboard even though they're following. It's been happening to me too! B has also deleted some of my posts and/or not saved all the stuff I've written. Ugh!