June 30, 2011

A Long Overdue Post!

The weather down in the valley has been so gloomy! It's given me no motivation to post at all! lol. Right now we're getting lots of rain from Tropical Storm Arlene.

This is what it looks like outside right now [06/30 - 4PM]

This past weekend we [the little sister, our dad and myself] took a trip up to Helotes, TX to surprise the older sister!! Her birthday was on Saturday [06/25]. We got to have family time and just hang around at their house :)

I asked Tina the golden question "Cake or death!?"

Confused? Watch this!!
I love Eddie Izzard! So funny!!

She being the rebel she is, chose cookies instead of cake. 

Here is my awesome nephew Jack helping me make the cookies for his momma. We made her some oatmeal, cranberry with pecan cookies. Some of the cookies even had pieces of dried pineapple chunks, per Tina's request. Sadly, this was the only pic I took of the cookie making :( but they were delicious!

We had a BBQ that evening, and I also made Pico-de-gallo with chunks of avocado. It wasn't too spicy, and oh so good! That bowl is huge and this picture was taken after everyone had already dug into it :)

Jack got to hang out with some friends of his, and did some crafts.
Meet "Santa Washington"

It was a short weekend :( I love going, but I always hate to leave.


Anonymous said...

Aw! Missed you! :) Those cookies sound delish!

We are *dying* for some rain up here. Did you know the whole state of TX was declared a state of disaster b/c of the drought?

Maura said...

i love eddie izzard!!

jessica said...

Helotes is right near where my parents live and my sis goes to high school in Helotes.. Small world :) Glad you had a great time with family!!