July 8, 2010

I didn't want to write another one....

Unfortunately, my good friend CJ didn't survive. He was drowning at SPI and my other good friend Mario ran in in attempt to save him.

I am not prepared to write CJ a letter. I'm drawing a blank in my head and my feelings. I'm shocked. I'm sad. I lost 2 really good friends in one week.

CJ was different. He had such a lively spirit. I guess if you didn't know him, you'd just think he had ADD or was super hyper. Just like Mario, he was always there for his friends - even if they were wrong.

My head is spinning right now. I'm really trying to be at peace and remind myself they are in a better place.

I didn't want to go to another funeral. I was really praying he'd make it through.

I'm not sure of his condition upon reaching the hospital on Sunday evening. But what I know is that the doctors had to put him in a medically induced coma that night. On Monday they were going to try and bring him out of it, but while they started he spiked a fever and had to be put under again. A couple of friends of mine were able to visit him in the hospital, and said he was physically looking better as the days went on. The nurses also noticed that his reflexes from the neck down were active. The only thing that was lingering was his brain swelling. They couldn't get it down. They were going to run a test this evening to try to see if they could get it down, but were already talking to his parents about organ donation.

My friend passed away a few hours ago. He was going to celebrate his birthday next Friday. He was 21.

RIP CJ. May you and Mario continue to watch over us until we all meet again. I'll be seeing you!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I am so sorry for both of your losses. :( I can not imagine, and am in aw that your friend went out to save the other; that is really something out of a heroic tale. Sometimes God's timing isn't understood, but I don't really think it's meant to be. You will be in my thoughts!