July 24, 2010

A good work-out idea ... not!

So my car died. The engine is shot and its needs a new one. Since last payday we've been pretty stretched thin so we knew we were going to have to wait another 2 weeks till our next one to get it replaced. It's been a week and a half and it's been difficult and managable to say the least.

But anyway, my dad thought it'd be a good idea to get the car to the mechanic so he could start taking the old engine out and get it all ready for the new engine to be put in. Makes sense, yes? Yes. In order to accomplish this the car would need to be towed over to the mechanics. A simple feat, yeah in my mind! lol.

We needed to push the car onto the dolly and secure it down. So the hubby was at work and I was the only one at home to help my dad try to get the car mounted on. The whole thing sounded so much easier in my head. lol. I am a weakling!

The car was in neutral and we had to push, get a running start and hope it would make it over the ledge of the dolly and keep. But everytime we tried, the car would get as far as "almost, but not quite", so we'd try again. I think we attempted 6-7 times, and by the last time my legs were already numb! I'd built up a sweat and everything! That's all I've gotta do? Push a car onto a dolly? Neh. No thank you! lol.

This is what we were dealing with:

^^ See that ledge??

Yeah, it only looks easy!

1 comment:

*Maybe* Baby ♥ Mama said...

Our journey has begun!... secretly though =) 

If I’ve left you this message, you’re probably a follower of my original blog or just someone I happened on and really wanted to invite along for the ride! Though I won’t be revealing who I am just yet – until we’re TO and THROUGH the first trimester! Just getting the word out about our new site – further explanation of all the secrecy and what we’re about on my first post now up. I’d love for you to stop by. 

Exciting things going on around here! 


~ the {secret} *Maybe* Baby Mama