[1] So we finally caught up on 24 and are so ready for the finale! I know, I watch a lot of tv. Maybe too much tv ... That's still up for debate though. :-) but yeh, the 2 hour season finale is tonight! I'm really looking forward to it and I hope it's not a big let down.
[2] I've been contemplating on starting up on the P90X thing again. It works, you just have to be consistent with it. I've tried different schedules but really what it comes down to is waking up early and doing it in the morning - which I really don't like.
[3] I finally went out and bought some scrapbooking supplies, just to start. And last Wednesday I went to Wal-Mart and ordered some prints of pictures from my bridal shower and some my sisters took at the wedding. They're supposed to be ready to pick up tomorrow so I'll probably start working on some pages within this week.
[4] Tomorrow night is my old high school's Mariachi concert. I'm only sort of looking forward to it. I've gone the past 3 years since I've graduated because Mariachi was the part I enjoyed the most about high school. And I always hope that each year is better than the next only to be kinda let down. I hope that isn't the case this year. I hope they have a great concert!
[5] Last week Danny suggested we don't have any kids. At all. And I'm ok with that right now because it's not something I want right at this point. Don't get me wrong though, if something were to happen and we have kids we'd love them to pieces and make ourselves prepared, but I know (planning wise) I'm not ready. He said: "Yeh, we'll just have dogs. We'll get 2 cocker spaniels and we'll still have Bella and we'll keep Smokey!" He did bring up a lot of good points. Lol. We're probably gonna get the 2 additional dogs anyway, kids or no kids.
[6] I'm pretty bummed that we're gonna miss Glee tomorrow because of the Mariachi concert, but thank goodness our cable is back up and the dvr will catch it on the schedule :-)
[7] The Bachelorette premiere's tonight. I haven't decided if I want to watch just yet. I'll probably decide after tonights episode.
[8] Danny and I are planning on going to South Padre some time within the next 2 weeks with his sister and her family. And our dogs. And no, they're not small dogs. The last time Bella went to the beach she was a baby! And she hated walking on the leash, but she's gotten better about it, plus I bought her one a couple of months ago that matches her pretty collar - although it isn't too pretty anymore because she wears it all the time! That should be interesting. But they do want to go during the week, which means I may have to ask for the day off ... :-)
[9] Only 4 more work days till the weekend! And my cousin Victoria's graduation party! Looking forward to some family time