August 14, 2010

Interview #1, Part 2.

So after the first interview I had with the children's rehab clinic, I got a call back later that day for a 2nd interview! I was super excited to have gotten a quick response. I was really nervous during my first interview, remember?!

The 2nd interview was with the Operations Manager [I think]. He is what would be the office managers boss. He was also really nice and helpful in explaining the duties and responsibilities in much greater detail. I have to admit, I was a little overwhelmed when he was explaining it all. So much at one point that I even thought to myself "what the heck am I getting myself into?!" But that quickly passed.

At the end of it all he didn't offer me the job. Rather, he said sometimes they call for a 3rd interview with the Administrative Director, the head hauncho of the place. So either way if they call back it will be to offer me the job or to get me in for the 3rd interview.

Right now, I don't know that I would want to work my brains out like that. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with me being "on vacation" right now or if that job is just to much for me.

I knew finding a job was going to prove to be a challenge. And so far it's been just that. But now, it's not just about finding a job. It's about finding the right job.

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