March 9, 2011

I'm allergic to sweat!

... Or am I?

I've been meaning to get healthy and lose some weight for some time now. But there was always something to excuse myself from actually getting out and exercising. So we [hubby and I] finally made it a point to go out and get some vitamins and weight loss additives [<-- I might be wrong on that word] ....

So we re-started our walking/jogging in the mornings around where we live. I enjoy it for the most part. Waking up early is the part I'm not too crazy about. So maybe a little less than halfway through our path, my thighs start to feel itchy. And then I notice that the my waist starts to feel itchy too - from the elastic on my shorts. When I look down I see that my thighs they're red and splotchy. The sweat irritates my legs! Would you believe that? Yea my husband doesn't buy it either. lol.

No but seriously, I think it's just because my body is not used to sweating .. at all. I'm sure that it won't happen all the time. At least I hope not. We'll see how tomorrow goes!

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