March 21, 2011


So I'm a big believer in that desserts taste better when they're homemade. I don't buy store bought desserts. I'll only buy ice cream because Hubby hasn't gotten me the ice cream maker attachment for my Kitchen Aid Mixer ... but that's another story.

A co-worker brought us ladies in the office a cheescake one Friday. And I'll tell you it looked delicious! He brought it on a Friday, and for some reason we just didn't get around to eating it. So I took it home with me seeing as I was the last one in the office and we hate to leave food in the office over the weekend.

I did not like it! I thought it was way too sweet and it didn't really have that cheesecake taste. At least I didn't think so. Hubby on the other hand, claimed it was delicous and better than any one I'd made.


?! I could not believe those words that came out of his mouth. But now that I think about it, he probably only said that so that I would make another one ....

We'd only had a piece or two at the time and the rest just stayed in the fridge for a few days.

Then we had a BBQ and our guests finished that store bought ickyness. lol. They also said it was delicious! So right then and there I claimed I could make a better chessecake and that I would .. the next day.

lol. I kept my word! Here is my cheesecake:

The verdict?


I could've been a bigger badass and made the strawberry topping from scratch - but nah. lol. Those I bought canned.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG I love cheesecake. Will you mail me a piece? ha ha