August 10, 2011

Conversations with Danny

Danny: Wanna play [Call of Duty-Black Ops] with me?

Jessica: Nah. It’s ok, not right now. I think I’m gonna play tetris.

Danny: What?! I thought that’s what your "vacation" was for?!

Lol. So I've got some updating to do on here... A post on that definitely coming tomorrow!  Nothing too unbearably [is that a word? lol.] bad, but still enough that is update worthy.


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! Sounds like our conversations except my hubby is always asking me to do P90X w/ him, but I say no b/c I'm lazy!

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

haha! Yeah Nick asks me if I want to play Call Of Duty on the Xbox. I'm like "nope!"